Thursday, October 2, 2008

Political Economy of the Body (Section 3)

Passage #3- “In the darkest region of the political field the condemned man represents the symmetrical inverted figure of the king. “

When perceiving this statement literally, piece by piece, some will become accepting of the realization that in one way or another, the condemned man Foucault involves in this statement would actually be the king himself. Ask yourself…what makes up the darkest region of the political field? I think the most probable answer would be the condemned or in other words, socially inadequate persons. But the other question that needs to be answered in this equation is- what, or who makes these people condemned? On the other end of this damnation is authority, power and potentially the king himself. Therefore- in the words of Foucault, “the condemned man represents the symmetrical inverted figure of the king.”

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