Monday, November 24, 2008

Essay # 2 Reflection

The Patriot/loyalist state essay was definitely a contrast to the Bacons Rebellion essay we completed earlier this quarter in a number of ways. Disregarding the shortened amount of time that we were given to complete this essay, I personally felt that it went slightly smoother and I would even say a bit easier. Because it was our second essay, our familiarity with the expectations, research, and writing process was a factor that progressed this assignment and allowed us to complete it within the time period that we were given to complete it. Although we were familiar with J-stor and a number of the other data bases and how to use them, because of the specificity of the information that was required for our individual states, I found research for this assignment more challenging than the Bacon’s Rebellion essay. Even though we had much less time to complete this essay, it was definite something that we as students were able to handle with time management and focus. One thing that I did have a bit of an issue with on this essay was the length limit of no more than four pages. I personally had trouble on deciding what information to cut out and what information to keep and I felt that by limiting my information, it was also limiting my factual support and even weakening parts of my argument. I think that the limit should have been around five pages instead or four. Otherwise than that, this essay was an informative learning experience that I am glad I had a chance to complete.

The Alien & Sedition Acts of July of July 14th, 1798

Who is writing?
-The most evident authors of this document appear to be Jonathan Dayton (Speaker of the House of Representatives), Theodore Sedgwick (President of the Senate), & John Adams (President at the time)

Who is the audience?
-This document is directed toward all residents living in the United States.

Who do the Writers Represent?
-The writers of this particular document represent the Congress and the Federal Government of America.

What is being said, argued and/or requested?
-The first Section of this document declares that any conspiracy, against the United States government or any treasonable activity was considered guilty of a high misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of five thousand dollars and or by imprisonment for no less than six months and no more than five years.

-The second section of this legal document specifies that any person involved in the publication of “false, scandalous & malicious writing”, or any writing against the any section of the United States Government in violent opposition against any constituted law or act, or any writing that encourages “any hostile designs of any foreign nation against the United States, their people or government will be liable to punishment of a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years.

-The third section actually serves as a protection and entitles the right to any person that is prosecuted under this act for writing or publishing any libel aforesaid, it will be lawful for the defendant during the trial to supply evidence defending his position. Another thing that is entitled to any person who prosecuted under this act is that a jury “who shall try the cause” will have the right to judge the defendant according to law and fact.

-The fourth section of this document states that this act will be in instated until the third day of March 1801 and no longer, but this act’s expiration will not effect the prosecution and punishment of any offense during the time that it was established.

How is it being said, argued or requested?

-The tone of this document is stern and authoritative. It is presented in a professional manner, such as one that is expected in a legal document. The tone suits this document in instituting and introducing new laws to the newly founded nation.

What proof and/or justifications are being used to legitimize the request?

-This document is represented by the United States Congress of America and its members, so its credibility is of very high stature even though no certain justifications are being used to legitimize the request.

Friday, November 21, 2008

South Carolina Patriot

----- Every strategy taken by Britain is failing to suppress the revolution. We Patriots still have hope. The British are looking to The Southern Strategy in hope of regaining control of the colonies. With its valuable natural resources and overwhelmingly large slave and loyalist populace, South Carolina happens to be the heart of King Charles III Southern Strategy. With the support of the south’s large loyalist population, South Carolina is among the 3 states that is being used as a base for the British in attempt to recapture the southern Colonies one by one. With the majority of even my fellow South Carolinian citizens supporting the British, a number of outnumbered but avid patriots exist. In this diminishing number I stand, fighting for common sense & democratic and economic benefit. I realize that declaring independence for the united colonies was inevitable, so there is no point in standing against it. The revolution itself is nothing less than question of freedom and slavery for me and my fellow patriots, and finally, being the owner of a rice plantation, if the revolution is successful in absolving America from the British taxation and restrictions, it will be beneficial to my economical wellbeing.

----- If the British continue to inflict their tyranny upon us, we may soon become as helpless slaves succumbing completely to their control. Thomas Paine clarifies the excess amount of power that Britain claims to have, stating, “Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has the right (not only to tax) but to bind us in all cases whatsoever, and if being bound in that matter is not slavery then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth” (Paine). Taxation of the colonies without consent violates our South Carolinian rights because we are not represented, but the taxation is only the start. We deserve and are entitled by the two royal charters granted by King James I to “all privileges of faithful, liege, and natural born subjects, to all intents and purposes, as if they (we) had been abiding and born within the realm of England…"(Henry). Taxes such as the stamp act, sugar act, tea act, and taxes on most other imports and exports are unjust and were instituted to exercise tyranny over the colonies including South Carolina. On May 1780, Britain laid siege to South Carolina for five weeks and finally took 3,300 militiamen soldiers into British captivity. Regardless of the petitions that the United Colonies sent out to the British Parliament to remove troops from colonial land, general Charles Cornwallis stationed 4,000 troops in South Carolina to quell the rebel forces that continuously purged my fellow patriots and harassed non-loyalist citizens. Hundreds of South Carolinians were bribed into swearing loyalty oaths to the crown and taking up arms for the British by the exports seized from Georgia (Roark et al, 241). I find it difficult to understand such dismal actions.

-----The revolution for the united colonies of America was inevitable, and I see no purpose in fighting for a lost cause. The fullest measures taken by the United Colonies to petition and side with Britain were treated by King Charles III with ignorance and rejection. Revolutionary writer Patrick Henry insists in frustration, “We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament…our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrance’s have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt from the foot of the throne”… (Henry, 2). A simple example of this blatant ignorance is exemplified in the fact that King Charles III ignored and didn’t even glance at the Olive Branch Petition directed to him by the Continental Congress. (Hancock et al). One thing that we all as colonists have been a witness to is that “The revolution was in the minds of the people…before a drop of blood was shed at the Lexington…and the war was just a consequence of it.”… (Adams). Even if we are outnumbered by the Tories in South Carolina and the British have larger forces with more experienced troops, we as patriots have little to lose, and as the war progresses, it is becoming more and more evident that the British have little power to change the minds and hearts of the people.

-----With around 4000 British troops inhabiting South Carolina, along with revolutionist Patrick Henry, I question the purpose of the troops stationed in the colonies, “Ask yourselves how gracious reception of our petition comports with those warlike preparations which cover our waters and darken our land…are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation...these are the implements of war and subjugation (Henry). It is uncommon to see troops harass, injure and harm innocent citizens. Britain’s citizens describe the United Colonies of Americans as ungrateful children of England, and even insist that we owe much to Britain for the Protections that she has aided us with. But only the fools speak such blasphemy ignorant of the fact that Britain’s motive for our protection was based solely on “interest not attachment…she did not protect us from our enemies on our account, but from her enemies on her own account… ( Paine). Britain claims to have so such extraordinary power, but I stand contrary as a patriot and insist that the power to rule over another nation belongs only to God.

----- Being the owner of a rice plantation, if the revolution is successful in absolving America from the British taxation and restrictions, it will be beneficial to my economical standing. The British forces have promised to free all slaves who supported their cause, being the owner of several slaves, it is not in my interest to lose the majority of my labor force (Roark et al, 229). Losing my labor force would affect my ability to make a living in agricultural farming, and in worst case scenario even provide for myself and my family. Besides the pesky taxes on imports, The State of South Carolina is affected directly by export taxes due to its large abundance in natural resources; I myself am included in this category. Exports such as game/furs, tar, turpentine, lumber, ship timber, cattle, rice, indigo, cotton, corn and other small grains are all taxed, and some exports are even limited and restricted in export quantities (Schaper, 245). Most resources that come from South Carolina are exclusively traded with Britain and are not allowed to be traded with any other nation. I am motivated to be a patriot in the revolution by the fact that if we absolve ourselves from the taxation and restrictions of the British Legislation, the state of South Carolina will be free to disperse trade with a number of nations and potentially enrich its commerce and economy, and I myself would be able to enhance my profit in trading rice. Although my cowardly neighbors and even some of my distant relatives claim that the United Colonies have flourished under its connections with Britain, according to fellow patriot Thomas Paine, “Nothing can be more fallacious than this kind of argument”. Paine explains that if no European power had anything to do with the United Colonies of America, it would have thrived and prospered much more effectively (Paine). This is yet another reason why I support the revolution in the colony of South Carolina.

-----Standing up for what is righteous is not always painless. Though surrounded by wretched loyalist and Tories around my own home, I would rather die a freeman than have my children live in a world of tyrannical slavery. United under the promise and hope of liberty, my few fellow patriots and comrades’ fear not the muskets of our oppositions. In the cause that we fight for as patriots of the revolution, we hold moral advantage over the British. Standing behind Thomas Paine’s words, “God almighty will not give up a people to military destruction… I cannot see on what grounds the king of Britain can look up to heaven for help against us”… ( Paine). What has been done cannot be changed, we must stand up and challenge the status quo. The rewards of our efforts do make a difference in the eyes of people, and in the eyes of our creator.

Work Cited

1.) Patrick Henry, Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death, March 23, 1775

2.) John Hancock et al, “our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.” Declaration of Independence July 4th 1776

3.) John Adams, 1818, (The American Promise- James. L Roark et al.)

4.) Thomas Paine, The Crisis December 23rd 1776. “God almighty will not give up
a people to military destruction… I cannot see on what grounds the king of Britain can look up to heaven for help against us”

5.) Patrick Henry, May 30th 1765, Virginia Resolves on the Stamp Act

6.) Thomas Paine, The Crisis December 23rd 1776

7.) Thomas Paine (1737-1809) Common Sense 1776. Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs.

8.) James Roark et al, The American Promise pg 241 (The Southern Strategy and the End of The War)

9.) Thomas Paine (1737-1809) Common Sense 1776. Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs.

10.) James Roark et al, The American Promise pg. 229
Parenthetic citations and work cited yet to be finished…

11.) William A. Shcaper, American Historical Association, Sectionalism & Representation in South Carolina, (Chapter 2 Pg. 245.)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

South Carolina Patriot (Rough Draft #2.)

-----When every strategy taken by Britain failed to suppress the revolution, the British looked to The Southern Strategy in hope of regaining control of the colonies. With its valuable natural resources and overwhelmingly large slave and loyalist populace, in the early 1780’s South Carolina along with Georgia and North Carolina was considered the heart of King Charles’ III Southern Strategy. With the support of the south’s large loyalist population, South Carolina was among the 3 states that were used as a base for the British in attempt to recapture the southern Colonies one by one and then steadily spread onto the northern colonies. With the majority of South Carolina’s citizens supporting the British, a number of outnumbered but avid patriots exist. In this diminishing number I stand, fighting for three primary reasons. Number one; I realize that declaring independence for the united colonies was inevitable, so there is no point in standing against it, number two; the revolution itself is nothing less than question of freedom and slavery for myself and my fellow patriots, and finally, (personal gain) being the owner of a rice plantation, if the revolution is successful in absolving America from the British taxation and restrictions, it will be beneficial to my financial and economical well being.

-----The revolution for the united colonies of America was inevitable, and I see no purpose in fighting for a lost cause. The fullest measures taken by the United Colonies to petition and side with Britain were treated by King Charles III with ignorance and rejection. Revolutionary writer Patrick Henry insists in frustration, “We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament…our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrance’s have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt from the foot of the throne”… (1). A simple example of this blatant ignorance is exemplified in the fact that King Charles III ignored and didn’t even glance at the Olive Branch Petition directed to him by the Continental Congress. (2). One thing that we all as colonists have been a witness to is that “The revolution was in the minds of the people…before a drop of blood was shed at the Lexington…and the war was just a consequence of it.”… (3). Even if we are outnumbered by the Tories in South Carolina and the British have larger forces with more experienced troops, we as patriots have little to lose, and as the war progresses, it is becoming more and more evident that the British have little power to change the minds and hearts of the people.

----- If the British continue to inflict their tyranny upon us, we may soon become as helpless slaves succumbing completely to their control. Thomas Paine clarifies the excess amount of power that Britain claims to have, stating, “Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has the right (not only to tax) but to bind us in all cases whatsoever, and if being bound in that matter is not slavery then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth” (7). Taxation of the colonies without consent violates our South Carolinian rights because we are not represented, but the taxation is only the start. We deserve and are entitled by the two royal charters granted by King James I to “all privileges of faithful, liege, and natural born subjects, to all intents and purposes, as if they (we) had been abiding and born within the realm of England…"(5). Taxes such as the stamp act, sugar act, tea act, and taxes on most other imports and exports are unjust and were instituted to exercise tyranny over the colonies including South Carolina.

-----On May 1780, Britain laid siege to South Carolina for five weeks and finally took 3,300 militiamen soldiers into British captivity. Regardless of the petitions that the United Colonies sent out to the British Parliament to remove troops from colonial land, general Charles Cornwallis stationed 4,000 troops in South Carolina to quell the rebel forces that continuously purged my fellow patriots and harassed non-loyalist citizens. Hundreds of South Carolinians were bribed into swearing loyalty oaths to the crown and taking up arms for the British by the exports seized from Georgia (6). I found it difficult to understand such dismal actions.

-----Famed revolutionist Patrick Henry questions the purpose of the troops stationed in the colonies, “Ask yourselves how gracious reception of our petition comports with those warlike preparations which cover our waters and darken our land…are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation...these are the implements of war and subjugation (8). It is uncommon to see troops harass, injure and harm innocent citizens. An Example of this includes the Boston Massacre where 5 innocent citizens were killed by British troops (9). Britain’s citizens describe the United Colonies of Americans as ungrateful children of England, and even insist that we owe much to Britain for the Protections that she has aided us with. But only the fools speak such blasphemy ignorant of the fact that Britain’s motive for our protection was based solely on “interest not attachment…she did not protect us from our enemies on our account, but from her enemies on her own account…(10). Britain claims to have so such extraordinary power, but I stand contrary as a patriot and insist that the power to rule over another nation belongs only to God.

----- Being the owner of a rice plantation, if the revolution is successful in absolving America from the British taxation and restrictions, it will be beneficial to my financial and economical standing. The British forces have promised to free all slaves who supported their cause, being the owner of several slaves, it is not in my interest to lose the majority of my labor force (11). Losing my labor force would affect my ability to make a living in agricultural farming, and in worst case scenario even provide for myself and my family. Besides the pesky taxes on imports, The State of South Carolina is affected directly by export taxes due to its large abundance in natural resources; I myself am included in that category. Exports such as game/furs, tar, turpentine, lumber, ship timber, cattle, rice, indigo, cotton, corn and other small grains are all taxed, and some exports are even limited and restricted in export quantities.

-----Most resources that come from South Carolina are exclusively traded with Britain and are not allowed to be traded with any other nation. I am motivated to be a patriot in the revolution by the fact that if we absolve ourselves from the taxation and restrictions of the British Legislation, the state of South Carolina will be free to disperse trade with a number of nations and potentially enrich its commerce and economy, and I myself would be able to enhance my profit in trading rice. Although my cowardly neighbors and even some of my distant relatives claim that the United Colonies have flourished under its connections with Britain, according to fellow patriot Thomas Paine, “Nothing can be more fallacious than this kind of argument”. Paine explains that if no European power had anything to do with the United Colonies of America, it would have thrived and prospered much more effectively (12). This is yet another reason why I support the revolution in the colony of South Carolina.

-----Standing up for what is righteous is not always painless. Though surrounded by wretched loyalist and Tories around my own home, I would rather die a freeman than have my children live in a world of tyrannical slavery. United under the promise and hope of liberty, my few fellow patriots and comrades’ fear not the muskets of our oppositions. In the cause that we fight for as patriots of the revolution, we hold moral advantage over the British. Standing behind Thomas Paine’s words, “God almighty will not give up a people to military destruction… I cannot see on what grounds the king of Britain can look up to heaven for help against us”… (4). What has been done cannot be changed, we must stand up and challenge the status quo. The rewards of our efforts do make a difference in the eyes of people, and in the eyes of our creator.

Parenthetic citations and work cited yet to be finished…
I swear I'm trying to cut it down,I'm just having trouble recognizing what I need to lose.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

South Carolina Patriot (Rough Draft #1.)

-----When most every strategy failed for Britain in the American Revolution, they looked to The Southern Strategy as their final hope in regaining control over the United Colonies of America and crippling the spirit of the revolution. With its valuable natural resources and overwhelmingly large slave and loyalist populace, in the early 1780’s South Carolina along with Georgia and North Carolina was considered the heart of King Charles’ III Southern Strategy. With the support of the south’s large loyalist population, South Carolina was among the 3 states that were used as a base for the British in attempt to recapture the southern Colonies one by one and then steadily spread onto the northern colonies. With the majority of South Carolina’s citizens supporting the British, a number of outnumbered but avid patriots exist. In this diminishing number I stand, fighting for three primary reasons. Number one; (common sense) I realize that declaring independence for the united colonies was inevitable, so there is no point in standing against it, number two; (slippery slope theory) the revolution itself is nothing less than question than freedom and slavery for myself and my fellow patriots, and finally, (personal gain) being the owner of a rice plantation, if the revolution is successful in absolving America from the British taxation and restrictions, it will be beneficial to my financial and economical wellbeing.

-----The revolution for the united colonies of America was inevitable, so why fight for lost cause? The fullest measures taken by the United Colonies to petition and side with Britain were treated by King Charles III with ignorance and rejection. Revolutionary writer Patrick Henry insists in frustration, “We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament…Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrance’s have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt from the foot of the throne”… (1). A simple example of this blatant ignorance is exemplified in the fact that King Charles III ignored and didn’t even glance at the Olive Branch Petition directed to him by the Continental Congress of America (2). One thing that we all as colonists have been a witness to is that “The revolution was in the minds of the people…before a drop of blood was shed at the Lexington…and the war was just a consequence of it.”… (3). Even if we are outnumbered by the Tories in South Carolina and the British have larger forces with more experienced troops, we as patriots have little to lose, and as the war progresses, it is becoming more and more evident that the British have little power to change the minds and hearts of the people. In the cause that we fight for as patriots of the revolution, we hold moral advantage over the British. Standing behind Thomas Paine’s words, I agree that “God almighty will not give up a people to military destruction…” and like this charismatic revolutionary, I also “cannot see on what grounds the king of Britain can look up to heaven for help against us”… (4) Supporting the revolution is common sense for me and it is a cause that is most definitely worth fighting for.

----- If the British continue to inflict their tyranny upon us, we may soon become as helpless slaves succumbing completely to their control. Thomas Paine clarifies the excess amount of power that Britain claims to have stating “Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has the right (not only to tax) but to bind us in all cases whatsoever, and if being bound in that matter is not slavery then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth” (7). Taxation of the colonies without consent violates our South Carolinian rights because we are not represented. We deserve and are entitled by the two royal charters granted by King James I to “all privileges of faithful, liege, and natural born subjects, to all intents and purposes, as if they (we) had been abiding and born within the realm of England…"(5). Taxes such as the stamp act, sugar act, tea act, and taxes on most other imports and exports are unjust and were instituted to exercise tyranny over the colonies including South Carolina.

-----On May 1780, Britain laid siege to South Carolina for five weeks and finally took 3,300 militiamen soldiers into British captivity. Regardless of the petitions that the United Colonies sent out to the British Parliament to remove troops from colonial land, General Charles Cornwallis stationed 4,000 troops in South Carolina who continuously purged my fellow patriots and harassed non-loyalist citizens. Hundreds of South Carolinians were bribed into swearing loyalty oaths to the crown and taking up arms for the British by the exports seized from Georgia (6).

-----Famed revolutionist Patrick Henry questions the purpose of the troops stationed in the colonies, “Ask yourselves how gracious reception of our petition comports with those warlike preparations which cover our waters and darken our land…are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation...these are the implements of war and subjugation (8). It is uncommon to see troops harass, injure and harm harmless citizens. An Example of this includes the Boston Massacre where 5 innocent citizens were killed by British troops (9). Britain’s citizens describe the United Colonies of Americans as ungrateful children of England, and even insist that we owe much to Britain for the Protections that she has aided us with, but they say this ignorant of the fact that Britain’s motive for our protection is based solely on “interest not attachment…she did not protect us from our enemies on our account, but from her enemies on her own account…(10). Britain claims to have so such extraordinary power, but I stand contrary as a patriot and insist that the power to rule over another nation belongs only to God.

----- Being the owner of a rice plantation, if the revolution is successful in absolving America from the British taxation and restrictions, it will be beneficial to my financial and economical wellbeing. The British forces have promised to free all slaves who supported their cause, being the owner of several slaves, it is not in my interest to lose the majority of my labor force (11). Losing my labor force would affect my ability to make a living in agricultural farming, and in worst case scenario even provide for myself and my family. Besides the pesky taxes on imports, The State of South Carolina is affected directly by export taxes due to its large abundance in natural resources; I myself am included in that category. Exports such as game/furs, tar, turpentine, lumber, ship timber, cattle, rice, indigo, cotton, corn and other small grains are all taxed, and some even exports are even limited and restricted in export quantities.

-----Most resources that come from South Carolina are exclusively traded with Britain and are not allowed to be traded with any other nation. I am motivated to be a patriot in the revolution by the fact that if we absolve ourselves from the taxation and restrictions of the British Legislation, the state of South Carolina will be free to disperse trade with a number of nations and potentially enrich its commerce and economy, and I myself would be able to enhance my profit in trading rice. Although some South Carolinian's may claim that the United Colonies of America have flourished under its connections with Britain, according to fellow patriot Thomas Paine, “Nothing can be more fallacious than this kind of argument”. Paine explains that if no European power had anything to do with the United Colonies of America, it would have thrived and prospered much more effectively. This is yet another reason why I support the revolution in the colony of South Carolina (12).

Conclusion and Work cited yet to be finished.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

South Carolina Patriot Outline

I- Declaring Independence for the united colonies was an inevitability
a. The fullest measures taken to petition and side with Britain were treated by King Charles III with ignorance and rejection.
b. Petitions such as the Olive Branch were blatantly ignored by the king
i. “we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms, our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.” (Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776) PD.
ii. “the cause is general and concerns a whole continent” (Continental Congress)

II- If the British continue to inflict their tyranny upon us, we may become as helpless slaves succumbing completely to their control. (slippery slope theory)
a. Taxation of the colonies without consent violates their rights because they are not being represented.
b. Taxes such as the stamp act, sugar act are unjust and were instituted to exercise tyranny over the colonies.
c. Another example of the tyranny exercised is the Boston Massacre, where 5 innocent civilians were killed by British troops.
d. Britain has no right to rule over the colonies because such power only belongs to God.
I- (The American Promise- James. L Roark et al.)
II- “If being bound in manner is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon the earth”- The Crisis, Thomas Paine”

III- The British forces have promised to free all slaves who supported their cause, being the owner of several slaves, it is not in my interest to lose the majority of my labor force. (personal loss)
a. It would effect me economically and wouldn’t allow me to make a living in agricultural farming, and or even feed my family.
i- (The American Promise- James. L Roark et al)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Declaration of Independence, July 4th 1776 Text Analysis

Who is writing?

-This document was the product of the collaboration between the representatives of the colonies of New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Including John Hancock who was the president/leader of this development, there were 57 representatives.

Who is the audience?

-The audience to who this audience pertains mainly is to the British legislation and Parliament but it is also relevant to the citizen of Britain and the Colonial citizens of America.

-Who do the writers represent?

-The authors of this document represent the United Colonies and all the American citizens.

-What is being said, argued or requested?

-This document outlines the mistakes and faults of King Charles III and makes an emphasis on the fact that separation from the British Legislation is inevitable. The United Colonies of America have attempted to be reasonable, but their petitions and efforts were rejected and countered with ignorance from the British legislation. In effort to avoid the dilemmas that the British were forced to undergo they have chosen to establish a new form of government where the people’s voice rules and without a king who has the power to dictate enforce strict tyranny. The authors of this document state that, the United Colonies of America “are, and of right ought to be FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES”, and also that fact that they are absolving themselves from allegiance and all political connection from the British Crown.

-How is it being said, argued and or requested?

-The tone of this document is obviously formal, written with respect to the audience, but it also incorporates a certain boldness and confidence in the message. Although some of these authors may be somewhat hesitant to signing this document, they realize that they really have no choice in this.

-What proof and/or justification is being used to legitimize the request?

-The reason for this declaration is stated and emphasized in the mistreatments and faults of Charles the III as a king/leader, but also that separation is inevitable because the king refuses to accept the United Colonies of America as free and separate entities, and has ignored any requests and petitions sent out.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Resolution for Declaration of Independance, Continental Congress Text Analysis

The title of this document is: Resolution introduced in the Continental Congress by Richard Henry Lee (Virginia) proposing a Declaration of Independence June 7, 1776

--Who is writing?

-The author of this document is Richard Henry Lee of Virginia.

--Who is the audience?
-To anyone whom it may concern. (British Legislation and Colonists)

--Who do the writers represent?
-The author represents the United Colonies of America.

--What is being said, argued and/or requested?
-The United Colonies should be free and independent states and should be absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown. In other words they are cutting the political connection between them and Great Britain.

--How is it being said, argued and/or requested?
-It is being argued very firmly, formally, and boldly.
--What proof and/or justification is being used to legitimize the request?

-It seems like the author is confident in his argument and seems knowledgeably credible in his message.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Continental Congress vs. PSEC Synthesis

Despite the fact that the Continental Congress and the PSEC advisory council are separated by a time frame of several hundred years, certain correlations can be made between the two organizations regardless. The Continental Congress was a congregation consisting of 56 representatives of the 12 different colonies created to protect colonial rights. For the continental congress to be successful, they had to become a unanimous entity and combine ideas. In the similar approach, the PSEC Advisory Council and body is collaboration of students from different feeder schools who have come together to produce a more effective learning environment and to progress their education. One of the things that make these congregations successful is the fact that they incorporate an array of differentiating perspectives. Although the issues that are dealt with between the two organizations may differ significantly, the idea of people coming together in unity to discuss and resolve certain issues remains consistent.

In the words of Edmund Morgan, “"the Continental Congress appeared as a challenge to Parliament" and in the same prospect, PSEC can be considered a challenge to conventional edification because students and teachers are on the same level, and with this role game out of the way, students aren’t just forced to take In information, but actually challenged to think and expand their minds like never before.
To be continued….

Declaration of Causes & Necessity of Taking Up Arms, Continental Congress, July 1775 Facilitator Prep/Text Analysis

Declaration of Causes & Necessity of Taking Up Arms, Continental Congress, July 1775 Facilitator Prep/Text Analysis

The full title of this document is: A Declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies of North-America, Now Met in Congress at Philadelphia, Setting Forth the Causes & Necessity of Their Taking Up Arms.

Who is writing?

-The authors of this document include Thomas Jefferson, John Dickenson, Samuel Eliot, Henry Steele Commager, & William E. Leuchtenburg.

Who is the audience?

-This document pertains to a number of audiences, such as the Legislature of Great Britain, the United Colonies of America, as well as “the rest of the world, to make known the justice of our (colonists) cause”
Who do the Writers Represent?
-The writers of this document represent the United Colonies of America.

What is being said, argued and/or requested?

-The purpose of this document is to justify the United Colonies of America’s cause in taking up arms.
Among the causes stated against Britain are; “for depriving us (colonists) of the accustomed and inestimable privilege of trial by jury, for suspending the legislature of one of the colonies, for interdicting all commerce to the capital of another, for exempting the murders of colonists from legal trial, and in effect from punishment, for erecting in a neighboring province, acquired by the joint arms of Great-Britain and America, a despotism dangerous to our (colonies) very existence, and for quartering soldiers upon the colonists in time of profound peace…

This document demonstrates that even though the colonies attempted to be reasonable to the British Parliament “in the most mild and decent language”, and “pursued every temperate, reasonable measure” only to have their petitions ignored, to have their countrymen butchered, Charlestown and civil houses burned down, to have their ships and vessels seized, their supplies and provisions intercepted, and to receive destruction and devastation from the troops of General Gage.
The authors of this document present the two choices that they have-1. Unconditional submission to tyranny 2. Resistance by force
The colonists choice to take up arms in a sense is a declaration for war against Britian.

How is it being said, argued or requested?

-This document is presented in a mild professionally formal manner in order to prove justification for the colonists taking up arms. The style is very polite, reasonable, and persuasive, proving its point successfully as well as leaving the statement that taking up arms is an inevitability for the Colonial states.

What proof and/or justifications are being used to legitimize the request?

- The authors of this document give reasons to justify their decision to take up arms and explain the consequences of not submission. The authors show knowledge on the topic they are trying to justify and seem very credible and persuasive. (explained in what is being argued or requested)